=======Asymmetric Bridge=======
**Asymmetric Bridge** is a data transfer and caching system for creation of effective studio pipeline.
It was originally developed as an inhouse tool of the [[http://a-vfx.ru/en|Asymmetric VFX]] studio and is now developed/maintained by the [[http://rendering.ru|R&D Group]].
=====Software versions=====
* Maya: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
* Houdini: 11.1, 12.1
* Softimage: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
* 3ds max: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
* Cinema 4D: R13 (in development)
* Nuke: 6.x (in development)
* Windows: 32/64 bit
* Mac OS X: 64 bit (Maya 2010 32 bit)
* Linux: 64 bit
===== Import / Export Features =====
=== Features List ===
* **Maya**:
* //Import / Export//: Polygon mesh (UV), Polygon mesh animation, NURBS, Transforms, Visibility, Camera
* **Softimage**:
* //Import / Export//: Polygon mesh (UV), Polygon mesh animation, NURBS, Transforms, Visibility, Camera
* **Houdini**:
* //Import//: Polygon mesh (UV), Polygon mesh animation, Visibility, Camera (.chan)
* **3ds max**:
* //Import / Export//: Polygon mesh (UV), Polygon mesh animation, Camera
* **Cinema 4D**:
* //Import//: Polygon mesh, Polygon mesh animation
* **Nuke**:
* //Import//: Polygon mesh (UV), Polygon mesh animation, Camera (.chan)
=== Features Table ===
Polygon mesh | UV | Polygon mesh animation | NURBS | Transforms | Visibility | Camera
Maya I/E I/E I/E I/E I/E I/E I/E
Softimage I/E I/E I/E - I/E I/E I/E
Houdini I I I - - I I
3ds max I/E I/E I/E - - - I/E
Cinema 4D I - I - - - -
Nuke I I I - - - I
Legend: "I" - Import; "E" - Export; "-" - not implemented; "d" - in development
====== Registration ======
[[en:cerber-protection|Product Registration Manual]]
====== Manual ======
===== General =====
* Export is based on selection, so you need to select items you want to export
===== Maya =====
==== Maya Menu Setup ====
Enable **BridgeMenu** plugin to see the menu or add //bridgeImportUI()// and //bridgeExportUI()// function calls to your own menus.
==== Maya Export ====
{{:asymmetric-bridge:bridge_maya_export.png?nolink| Maya export}}
==== Maya Import ====
{{:asymmetric-bridge:bridge_maya_import.png?nolink| Maya import}}
===== Houdini =====
==== Houdini Shelf Setup ====
Extract scripts to the desired location and create a new shelf item. Use this as an example of //Script// value of a shelf item:
import os
import sys
bridgeToolsPath = os.path.expanduser("/path/to/bridge/houdini/scripts")
if bridgeToolsPath not in sys.path:
# Native Houdini UI
import bridgeImportUI
Note that when using native UI you must select import folder without double-clicking, just mark it as selected like this:
{{ :asymmetric-bridge:bridge_houdini_native_ui_selection.png?400 | Houdini native UI selection }}
If you want to use PyQt UI change import to this:
# PyQt UI
import bridgeImportQtUI
{{ :asymmetric-bridge:bridge_houdini_pyqt.png | Using PyQt UI}}
==== Houdini Import ====
{{:asymmetric-bridge:bridge_houdini_import.png?nolink| houdini import}}
===== Softimage =====
==== Softimage Export ====
==== Softimage Import ====
{{:asymmetric-bridge:bridge_xsi_import.png?nolink| softimage import}}
===== 3ds max =====
==== 3ds max Setup ====
* Install macroscripts and add menu items to the desired location.
* Make sure to select Top view before import.
==== 3ds max Import ====
===== Cinema 4D (in development) =====
==== Cinema 4D Import ====
===== Nuke =====
==== Nuke Import ====
{{:asymmetric-bridge:bridge_nuke.png?nolink| nuke import}}