Asymmetric Bridge is a data transfer and caching system for creation of effective studio pipeline.
It was originally developed as an inhouse tool of the Asymmetric VFX studio and is now developed/maintained by the R&D Group.
Polygon mesh | UV | Polygon mesh animation | NURBS | Transforms | Visibility | Camera Maya I/E I/E I/E I/E I/E I/E I/E Softimage I/E I/E I/E - I/E I/E I/E Houdini I I I - - I I 3ds max I/E I/E I/E - - - I/E Cinema 4D I - I - - - - Nuke I I I - - - I
Legend: “I” - Import; “E” - Export; “-” - not implemented; “d” - in development
Enable BridgeMenu plugin to see the menu or add bridgeImportUI() and bridgeExportUI() function calls to your own menus.
Extract scripts to the desired location and create a new shelf item. Use this as an example of Script value of a shelf item:
import os import sys bridgeToolsPath = os.path.expanduser("/path/to/bridge/houdini/scripts") if bridgeToolsPath not in sys.path: sys.path.append(bridgeToolsPath) # Native Houdini UI import bridgeImportUI bridgeImportUI.BridgeUI()
Note that when using native UI you must select import folder without double-clicking, just mark it as selected like this:
If you want to use PyQt UI change import to this:
# PyQt UI import bridgeImportQtUI bridgeImportQtUI.BridgeUI()