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en:cerber-protection [2013/09/16 19:55]
en:cerber-protection [2022/04/01 19:38] (current)
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 ===== Cerber Local License ===== ===== Cerber Local License =====
-**R&D Group** introduces **Cerber** -- the network license server and protection tool developed by [[http://www.cinesoft.ru/|CineSoft]].+**R&D Group** introduces **Cerber** -- activation and protection tool.
-After the installation of the plugin which supports **Cerber** you will find the "License Toolunder+During installation of plugin which supports **Cerber**, the installer will give an option to automatically launch "License Manager", which can also be found at
-  * Windows: Start Menu -> R&D Group -> Cerber -> License Tool+  * Windows: Start Menu -> iCube R&D Group -> License Manager
   * Linux:   * Linux:
-    * Menu -> R&D Group -> Cerber -> License Tool+    * Menu -> R&D Group -> Cerber ->  License Manager
     *      * 
-    * <code>sudo /opt/rdgroup/cerber/RDGroupLicenseTool</code>+    * <code>sudo /opt/rdgroup/cerber/RDGroupLicenseTool.bin</code>
-"Localtab need to be selected+**Local** tab need to be selected
-{{ http://files.rendering.ru/docs/images/cerber_query_ui_local.png }}+{{:cerber-local-license:cerber_query_ui_local-new.png?nolink| Cerber local}}
-Choose the hard drive to be linked with the license, the pluginamount of licenses and press "Save".+Choose the plugin you wish to activate, and press "Generate".
 This will show you the "save file" window and generate a **//request_<UserName>_<HostName>_<Date>.cid//** file on your Desktop (or other chosen directory). This will show you the "save file" window and generate a **//request_<UserName>_<HostName>_<Date>.cid//** file on your Desktop (or other chosen directory).
-Send this file to [[mail@rendering.ru|mail@rendering.ru]].+Send this file to support@icube3d.com
 **Please, attach copy of you receipt or order number to avoid any delays in communication.** **Please, attach copy of you receipt or order number to avoid any delays in communication.**
-In the nearest time (usually within 24 hours) you will get an email from us (or your reseller) with ***.lic** license file attached. Save this file on your hard disk.+In the nearest time (within 24 hours, but often within hours) you will get an email from us (or your reseller) with ***.lic** license file attached. Save this file somewhere you can easily find.
-After you've received the ***.lic** launch the "License Tool" again and press "Add", select the received file and press "Open".+After you've received the ***.lic** launch the "License Manager" again and press "Add", select the received file and press "Open".
 This will copy the license file to the **Cerber** local licenses directory. This will copy the license file to the **Cerber** local licenses directory.
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   * <code>/opt/rdgroup/cerber/localLicenses</code>   * <code>/opt/rdgroup/cerber/localLicenses</code>
 +In case of problems with GUI you can also create .cid file by running:
 +<code>cerberProbe > ~/path/to/my.cid </code>
 +cerberProbe is located in the same location as RDGroupLicenseTool.bin in  bin subdirectory
 +===== Troubleshooting =====
 +Single activation should work for all users, (also for all versions of plugins, 3ds max and Maya on the same machine)
 +the license file is located in C:\Program Files\R&D Group\Cerber\localLicenses  and available to everyone
 +occasionally some user accounts may see hardware config differently, which causes license error
 +so if you see license error in 3ds max for different user,  please send us CID file with the request for alternative license file 
-====== Notes ====== +this does not necessary mean that each user has to have a separate fileone alternative file usually work for everyone
- +
-=== Client configuration === +
- +
-When pressing "Save" "License Tool" simply creates //RDGROUP_CERBER_ADDRESS// environment variable, so you could create it with any desired tool or manually. +
- +
-Make sure to set proper port value: R&D Group **Cerber** uses port //45444//+
- +
-**Make sure to open this port (45444) in your firewall!** +
- +
- +
- +
-=== Paths === +
- +
-You could install local licenses manually; simply copy them to: +
-  * Windows: +
-  * <code>C:\Program Files\R&D Group\Cerber\localLicenses</code> +
-  * Linux: +
-  * <code>/opt/rdgroup/cerber/localLicenses</code>+