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en:vraypattern-maya [2014/08/25 12:21]
anvar [Network License error]
en:vraypattern-maya [2017/03/07 09:22] (current)
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 **[[http://rendering.ru/ru_en/vraypattern-maya.html|VRayPattern For Maya]]** allows to multiply geometry periodically without extra memory consumption. As a sample you can use any tiled geometry (or those with unobtrusive joints). VRayPattern also allows to curve geometry on any surface. The plug-in works in similar way as displacement map. However, displacement map can only use raster or vector maps of pattern to cover the surface of geometry, VRayPattern can use any of the original geometry. **[[http://rendering.ru/ru_en/vraypattern-maya.html|VRayPattern For Maya]]** allows to multiply geometry periodically without extra memory consumption. As a sample you can use any tiled geometry (or those with unobtrusive joints). VRayPattern also allows to curve geometry on any surface. The plug-in works in similar way as displacement map. However, displacement map can only use raster or vector maps of pattern to cover the surface of geometry, VRayPattern can use any of the original geometry.
 +VrayPattern technology is fundamentally different from the technologies that are used in scattering. Scatters are multiplying individual objects, but pattern is actually a 3d procedural texture. 
 +The consequence of this is unique opportunity but lot of restrictions.
 +The unique features include: 
 +Possibility to literally not limit duplicating of elements. 
 +Automatic deformation of objects in accordance with the shape of the surface
 +Low memory consumption when rendering.
 +Restrictions related to the possibility to randomise the elements, possibility to process edges and abilities to limit an area with other tools, except for the physical cut-offs of a surface. 
 +The same goes for the preview in the viewport - unfortunately there are no other possibilities to see anything in the viewport, but to generate and assign appropriate geometry texture;
 The plug-in best used where large amount of geometry required, but without great accuracy. The plug-in best used where large amount of geometry required, but without great accuracy.
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 </code> </code>
-In case of problems with installer you can download full archive [[http://files.rendering.ru/vraypattern_for_maya/VRayPatternForMaya-FULL-latest.zip|here]] (150mb) 
 Select you Maya/V-Ray versions and copy the plugins. Here is an example for the default paths of Maya 2013 and V-Ray 2.3: Select you Maya/V-Ray versions and copy the plugins. Here is an example for the default paths of Maya 2013 and V-Ray 2.3:
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 However, we reserve the right not to issue a new license in case of total replacement of a PC if the registration request is submitted more often than once in half a year. However, we reserve the right not to issue a new license in case of total replacement of a PC if the registration request is submitted more often than once in half a year.
-===== Network License error ===== +
-  * check the license server by pressing "quiry" in Server Manager +
-  * check that the client can connect to the server by pressing on "quiry" in License Manager +
-  * make sure you restart the client after assigning server address and port (for environmental variable to take effect) +
-  * check the output from running the following mel command +
-<code>getenv RDGROUP_CERBER_ADDRESS</code>+
 ===== Installation error ===== ===== Installation error =====